What a Little Oil Could Do For You
When prompted to do something, we all have a tendency to tell God and others that we do not have enough resources to do that thing instead of reaching out and taking hold of it. If we are starting a...
View ArticleJust for Today: My Life’s Theme Song
Have you ever had a song that keeps ringing back in your head no matter what situation or circumstance that you find yourself in? I mean, it doesn’t matter if you are happy, sad, floating on cloud nine...
View ArticleIs God a Man or a Woman?
I started writing this post nearly two years ago. But then my daughter was born. I came back to it shortly thereafter but could not figure out where I was going with it and then abandoned it...
View ArticleMeasuring the Impact of Our Lives
What will people say about you when you are gone? What will be said about your life, your family, your ministry, your church, your organization in its absence? Will people and the communities that you...
View ArticleThe One Thing You Will Never Lose
After a long but rewarding afternoon, I finally sat this evening to pray. And no sooner than I had, my daughter who should have been sleeping started to cry. And then I started to remember all of the...
View ArticleMore Reflections on Living a Simplified Life
A few days ago, I shared three guaranteed steps that will help you live a simplified life: Pursue Justice, Love Mercy and Walk Humbly with your God (Micah 6.8). What do these things look like? Pursue...
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